
5. Summer Course on RMHS 2014

The program is supported in part by the Fogarty International Center / NIH 1R25TW009248 Research Ethics Initiative grant.

DATES: June 16th, 2014 – June 27th, 2014
A Level: Introduction (June 16-20th, 2014)
B Level: Intermediate (June 23 -27th, 2014)


120 young scientists and researchers attended the RMHS courses, between 2010-2013. 25 days of education were full of scientific discussion, of exchanging ideas on methodology, ethic and epidemiology, during the first four years.


The aim of the course is research capacity building through local and international research collaborations. The first week of the course aims to introduce the basic concepts in statistics and epidemiology. The second week aims to facilitate implementation of research capacity with a solid background on ethical concepts. The course covers the classes on Research Methodology, Grant Writing, Publishing and Ethics in Health Sciences.


1. Data management
2. Study design
3. Statistical applications
4. Research and publication Ethics

What the participants will gain?

Level A (June 16-20, 2014)

  • Define basic statistical and epidemiological concepts
  • Evaluate methodology in scientific publications
  • Control data collection and management
  • Choose relevant statistical tests
  • How to read and write scientific papers

Level B (July 23-27, 2014)

  • Gain insight into building international research partnerships and ethics
  • Increase research capacity
  • Develop public health research perspectives
  • Learn to use scientific evidence in medicine and public health
  • Prepare proposals for institutional review boards

Course Methodology

Lectures and practicum with 30 participants with their own laptops.

Learning Activities

Journal club: The concepts thought in the course are elaborated by critical reading of relevant scientific manuscripts.
Applications on statistical softwares: Participants are expected to perform analysis in parallel with the classes.
The practical hours follow the classes.
Poster presentation: The participants are encouraged to present their studies and share the information or research questions. The focus of the studies should be the methodology.