Dr. Önder İLGİLİ (MD, PhD) is a graduate of Ankara University Faculty of Medicine (2003 – MD) and holds a PhD degree in History of Medicine and Ethics (2011). He was a fellow in Boston Children’s Hospital, Harvard University of NIIH Fogarty International Center project 1R25TW09248-01 “Research Ethics Initiative – Turkey/C. Asia” under supervision of PI Kerim Munir and awarded with a Master’s Certification in Research Ethics (2012). He has an assistant professor position in Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, History of Medicine and Ethics Department since 2016 and have responsibility as a member of two ethics committees. He is deputy manager of Hacettepe University Bioethics Education, Implementation and Research Center which is also operating as The Turkish Ethics Unit of The International Network – UNESCO Chair in Bioethics (Haifa).
He studied on research ethics committees in Turkey and also published another work focused on researches involving geriatric participants. His recent work was on informed consent in clinical research primarily aiming to contribute to the acceptance of practice by sharing the historical cornerstones brought up the informed consent procedure and main philosophical justifications. He has several publications on history of medicine and ethics in various journals and a book titled “High Council of Health Judgements Between 2000 – 2005 on Gynecology and Obstetrics Cases”.